A Xmas Surprise (Spoilers: It's a Demo!)

Hi everyone!

The end of the year is quickly approaching, so we thought to slide in with a little update on Voidblazers.

Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who has pre-ordered our game already. Your support means the world to us, and we never expected to see this much excitement from the Playdate community when we first announced this passion project of ours.

Nextly, it turns out that we were too optimistic when announcing the launch window for Voidblazers. What started as a simple arcade-like shmup has turned into something much more ambitious. This combined with the unpredictability of life knocked us off our original schedule. For now, we’re holding off on sharing a new release date until we are absolutely sure we can make it. We have a solid plan to get Voidblazers to the finish line, and don’t want to cut corners or compromise on the experience we’re aiming to deliver.

Lastly, in the real holiday spirit: gifts! As a surprise, we released a demo of the first five missions of Voidblazers. We hope you enjoy playing it, and would love if you’d let us know what you think!

We’re so very excited to show you the full game once it’s finished! (:

Happy Holidays!
— Jazzie & Tijn


voidblazers-xmas-demo.zip 23 MB
Version 0.1 Dec 23, 2023

Get Voidblazers

Pre-order Now$6.00 USD or more


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Do I need to pre-order to get the demo? Thx.


Hiya, thank you for checking out our wee game! The demo was only up for a limited time, but hopefully you’ll get a chance to play the full game real soon! :-)

Hi - sorry but I can't see the link for the Demo.