Thornfell Manor: 1984

A paranatural murder investigation
Release 3 / Serial number 241228 / PunyInform v5.12

Welcome, brave detective!

Thornfell Manor: 1984 is a spooky text adventure written during PunyComp 2024. Step in the shoes of a paranatural detective, explore an abandoned mansion, and solve the murders. Will you survive the night?

Type HELP to learn how to play. Explore all rooms and EXAMINE items for clues. If you find yourself stuck, try to ask for a HINT. You can SAVE and RESTORE progress at any time.

Download one of the z-code files below and play this game on your favourite z-machine interpreter! Or, run it directly in your browser by clicking Run Story at the top. If you need some guidance throughout the story, check out the InvisiClues in the download section!

Thornfell Manor: 1984 running in FrotzThornfell Manor: 1984 running on C64

Content warning: although not particularly detailed or graphic, this game includes themes of murder, violence against minors, and supernatural horror. Not suitable for young audiences.


zblorb (with metadata) 436 kB
Version 3 42 days ago
thornfell.z5 59 kB
Version 3 42 days ago
thornfell.z3 57 kB
Version 3 42 days ago
C64 disk image 170 kB
Version 3 42 days ago

Install instructions

Desktop: download the .z5 (recommended) or .z3 file and run it with a z-machine interpreter of your choice, like Frotz or Yazmin.

Commodore 64: download the disk image and load it onto your system. First, enter the following: LOAD "*", 8, 1 and once ready, enter: RUN


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It's a very fun little game!

It's like a mini Anchorhead to me, and you've captured perfectly the spirit (lol) of the predecessor. A very promising first work of yours. Keep it up!